About the Team

We're keen on programming. We're looking for any opportunity to improve existing things, also from other areas than IT.

Right now we're fascinated in (Python) Django framework, (JVM-based) Grails framework and REST microservices software architecture. We're curious about the effective and scalable approach of handling web traffic. We're involved in ITsec and R&D projects.

Contact Details

(0048) 794-783-159
majkesz [at] majkesz.pl

Client Testimonials

  • Thank you, Michal!

    goldenline.pl (.PL)
  • Creative and hardworking.

    marszpozdrowie.pl (.PL)
  • Great teacher with excellent approach to the children.

    father Valentine Rewelengera (.TZ)

Get In Touch.

Feel free to use contact form. We're open to the new challenges and development opportunities.

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Information obligation:

The company received a financial subsidy under the government programs "Financial Shield 1.0 and Financial Shield 2.0 of the Polish Development Fund for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises", granted by PFR SA.

Przedsiębiorca uzyskał subwencję finansową w ramach programów rządowych „Tarcza Finansowa 1.0 oraz Tarcza Finansowa 2.0 Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju dla Mikro, Małych i Średnich Firm”, udzieloną przez PFR SA.

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